Sales Management database Software Screens:
Sales Management database software administration Page. You can access all the sales managment functions from this page, Plus sales forecast and employee sales income charts will help you understand your current status as well...Sales Management software PLUS!
Sales leads management form. 3 types sales leads have been managed by this form, there are sales leads from current customer, sales leads from furture products and new sales leads name and contact information. You can output these data to Excel spreadsheets or save thos information by MS outlook.
Customer informaiton manager form, it help you records all your current or furture customer information purchase records, activities and opportunities
Sales territory management form, it list your sales territories and contact informaiton include the sales values and territory income information charts.
Customer sales orders. As a part of sales documents management system, you can easy to track your sales order information by order number..
Sales quote management form. As a part of sales document managment, it will help you records all the quote your sales people gave to your customers.
New Products management Form (CRM & Sales Management software PLUS Only) . It manage all the products information in your company include current products inventory information with built in EOQ modeling and product promotion information.
Product inventory report. (CRM & Sales Management software PLUS Only) We provide products inventory management feature, and generate the product inventory report for you to review your current products inventory level and calculate when you should re-order your products
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