ERP for Store Management Software Administration Page: This page is a store management system administration UI page. You can access all store management software features from this page. A very useful dashboard highlight all urgent and important issues on store daily operation.
Products Warehouse Management: This page is a store warehouse managment UI interface, you can input your store inventory, managing your product categories and start your product inventory management here.
Inventory Categories Management Form Multi-level inventory categories management system will give you more room on categorie your inventory
Items Inventory Management, Generate your store product items inventory list, records all items information, caculate the reorder point by using Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) model...
Financial Management, Financial management functions give your company financial statements over view and it comes with the financial balance sheet, sales income statement, employee payroll information, store's fixed assets management information, and un-paid payment status information
Fixed Assets Management Generate fixed assets list, records fixed assets information
Sales Management, input your sales record here when you made sales, system will help you generate the sales order and automatically reduce inventory items number from your inventory list
Sales Order Form Records sales order information, and payment management information
Purchase Management, you can generate the purchase order, view the vendor/suppliers list and add the new arrive items to the inventory list.
Purchase Order Preview
Human Resource Management Manage your resource, optimization your HR costs and more...
Employee detail information form
Employee payroll form
Customers List Management, input your customers infrmation with this form, we will help you keep your customer record and generate your customer report based on these data.
Supplier Information Management, input your vendors/supplier information here, we will help you record and managing your supplier information.
RMA process management form
General Ledger Administraion form
Income statement report
Balance sheet report
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